Crazy Rich Asians Review
Rendy Jones Rendy Jones

Crazy Rich Asians Review

Just like “Black Panther” I walked in expecting a standard genre movie, but the film is fueled with cultural significance and they use it as the primary theme for the narrative.

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Morgan Review
Rendy Jones Rendy Jones

Morgan Review

It just took the last 5 minutes to mess up everything it built because it features an ending that M. Night Shyamalan would say “man I grew up from this.” It has a plot twist that intends for you to gasp and get surprised but you end up groaning then immediately booing.

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Mechanic: Resurrection Review
Rendy Jones Rendy Jones

Mechanic: Resurrection Review

For being a sequel for one of his better action films, The Mechanic: Resurrection is another generic Jason Statham action movie with cheap violence, poor performances, and a waste of your time. 

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