Moana Review
Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones

Moana Review

 Since Frozen, Disney used individuality to bring out character traits in their female leads which are strengthened even further with this new princess. Moana is the strongest female character Disney has created to have a film named after since Mulan.

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Loving Review
Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones

Loving Review

Recently there has been a good amount of film with a similar theme of social injustice. From The Birth of a Nation to even Zootopia these films brought out strong messages of discrimination and racism people face in communities today. But none of these films are as powerful as Jeff Nichols’ Loving.

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Lion Review
Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones

Lion Review

The film features a largely known cast who has been in other Award nominated films, but the film truly held by Sunny Pawer who plays Young Saroo. For the first hour, this is HIS movie. It is Patel, Mara, and Kidman that the film markets but Pawar’s performance is truly outstanding. 

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Moonlight Review
Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones Awards Season 2016 Rendy Jones

Moonlight Review

This is one of those films I've gone into blind without seeing a trailer similar to what I did with Sing Street earlier this year. It was a movie I just thought as a film for the LGBT community, but as watching it I realize it is much more than that.

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