Thor: Ragnarok Review
Rendy Jones Rendy Jones

Thor: Ragnarok Review

There is no Kat Dennings as the comic relief for it is the exuberant screenplay filled with authentic humor that hits consistently.

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Pete's Dragon Review
Rendy Jones Rendy Jones

Pete's Dragon Review

The only thing this story has to do with 1977’s Pete’s Dragon is both the name and the characters names of Pete and Elliot. It’s as if the writers looked back at the original and said yeah lets change this up….a lot. 

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Star Trek Beyond Review
Rendy Jones Rendy Jones

Star Trek Beyond Review

Right off the bat with the introduction to the film, Justin Lin’s director perception of Star Trek is very similar to JJ Abrams but in a way much better. You see Lin capture what made his last 2 Fast and Furious films great and applied it to this Star Trek film which is (as Vin Diesel famously says) family. 

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