Mechanic: Resurrection Review


R: Violence Throughout and Language

Summit Entertainment, Millennium Films

1 hr and 37 Minutes

Cast: Jason Statham, Sam Halzeldine, Jessica Alba, with Michelle Yeoh, and Tommy Lee Jones

After the demise of his partner-turned-enemy Steve McKenna (Ben Foster), Arthur Bishop (Statham), who narrowly escaped from Steve's murder attempt on him, retires as a contract killer. But when his most formidable foe kidnaps the love of his life, he is forced to travel the globe to complete three impossible assassinations, and do what he does best: make them look like accidents.

REVIEW: Jason Statham is back doing what he does best: killing ass and taking names whether you like it or not. With one of his better films being 2011 remake of The Mechanic that actually made a good amount of money it was only time before a sequel was warranted. Now we have  Mechanic Resurrection a film that should’ve stayed in its goddamn grave.

THE GOOD: Personally I find every Jason Statham movie the same. With every film where he’s the star I’m convinced its just Statham as Statham in a various job descriptions doing various job tasks that involves killing people. With The Mechanic series we do know his job description and he’s really good at doing it. We see that throughout the film in different vignettes and each kill gets cooler and sillier. There is a fun sequence where Bishop has to kill an arms dealer in a outdoor pool in the sky and the result is hysterical.

THE BAD: With the first Mechanic that made it have its own decent specialty was the duo between Jason Statham and Ben Foster. There were elements within the story that put rising tension between the two which made you slightly give a shit. With this, (mainly cause Foster was killed at the end of the first SPOILER ALERT!) its just Jason Statham on vacation. The film is really Jason Statham on vacation and tries to apply *insert generic action movie story here* to keep audiences entertained. The film takes the Adam Sandler route but in the genre of action. The only thing entertaining about the film is how insanely stupid it becomes.

One of the major issues with the film is the pacing. The opening sequence is remotely engaging and cool. But the next 20 minutes his Statham falling in love with Jessica Alba at a beach. And you don’t buy it. You really don’t buy it. The first movie Bishop had a good thing going. Killing people then going to the bar and getting ass. In this he’s just sees Alba and after an awkward situation by holding hands, they just fall for each other and this sequence goes on for 20 minutes. Oh and of course Alba is still….not a good actress at all. Her delivery is so hammy and weak as if she saw the script and said “eh I’m on vacation.” Her character is so bland that you want to ask Bishop, “really this is the one you’ll settle down for? For real? OKAY DON’T KILL ME” This is until the “plot” comes in and Alba just becomes a damsel in distress. Her character was introduced to be a military operative who left to teach kids in Africa. Okay you’re a military operative. DO SOME MILITARY COMBAT SHIT! No you’re gonna kick guys in the nuts? In every scene where she tries to escape, the first thing she does is kick whoever is grabbed onto her in the balls. THIS HAPPENS TWICE! Getting really tired of women kicking guys in the nuts in movies just to either get a cheap laugh or…no its only for cheap laughs.


The villain in the film is as thin as a piece of paper from the 99 cent store. He sends Bishop to kill 3 arms dealers so he could be on top for exchange of his girlfriend. With every kill he sends Bishop to do, he doesn’t care. But it has to be until the third arms dealer played by Tommy Lee Jones (who frighteningly has a goatee and earrings and a voice of Woody Harrelson) he wants proof of his kill. He is not a villain but more of a dick.

LAST STATEMENT: For being a sequel for one of his better action films, The Mechanic: Resurrection is another generic Jason Statham action movie with cheap violence, poor performances, and a waste of your time. Where Spy and Furious 7 was a huge step up from Statham, this is just one giant step back.

Rating: 1.5/5 | 32%

1.5 stars

Super Scene: Outdoor Pool Murder


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