Tommorrowland Review


PG: Sequences of Sci Fi Action Violence, Thematic Elements, and Language


2 hrs and 10 minutes

Cast: George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Hugh Laurie, Raffey Cassidy, Keegan Micheal Key, Kathryn Hahn, Thomas Robinson, Pierce Gagnon, with Matthew Maccaull and Tim McGraw

Where to Rent/Stream This Movie

Editor’s Note: This review was originally published during my adolescence. Outdated language might be seen in these old posts. Since then, my thoughts and values have grown. This review is being presented as they were originally written, grammatical errors, shitty sentence structure, and typos galore. Because to do otherwise would be that same as claiming these flaws never existed.


BACKSTORY: Tuesday May 19th my little sister and I go to a screening of Tomorrowland. While waiting we get a poster and some pins. Before this 2 hr movie began, this guy came to give the movie a very unnecessary 20 minute introduction. IT DRAGGED FOREVER, but fortunately the movie started......wait did I say fortunately?

STORYLINE: Bound by a shared destiny, a teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy genius inventor embark on a mission to unearth the secrets of a place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory.

REVIEW: Now when we get to Brad Bird (director of two of the best animated movies of all time), you can't wait to imagine how imaginative Tomorrowland is but Disney just love having 2 things. Movies set in the future and movies about never giving up your dreams. As creative the whole Tomorrowland ride may be the film adaptation is very simple minded. Like Gore Verbinski directing the Lone Ranger where everybody thought it was more of a studio film than a Verbinski film, Tomorrowland feels more of a studio film than a Brad Bird film. We seen Bird done some amazing things, he brought new creativity into Mission Impossible by directing the fourth film. For a director who shows nothing but new and amazing ideas the movie about ideas doesn't even feel that its expressed by him. The story for what it is is consistent yet messy. The movie has nonstop shifting tones that makes the whole film uneven. One moment the film is sentimental, then its intense, then all of a sudden it becomes constantly silly to a point it becomes downright weird. What makes a bit of the silliness work is the dynamic between Clooney and Britt Robertson. Its funny to see George Clooney with a stick up his ass being a bitter person, but its even funnier to see a teenager provoke him. It may seem annoying in the beginning but where it leads is pretty charming and gives the film a very strong ending. Tomorrowland does offer great visual effects that are astounding which makes you feel as if you're in the future. Its really unfortunate how the inventive creativity of the Tomorrowland scenes is really not the focus of the movie. The whole movie just sets itself up to give you the message of hope and how the young generations are the future. Its a good message, but the huge problem is that the movie bashes you over the head with it to a point the last 20 minutes is really political. 

LAST STATEMENT: For a rollercoaster ride film adaptation Tomorrowland beats you over the head with political messages, constant tonal shifts, and an uneven screenplay that makes you dizzy and want to puke.

Rating: 2/5 | 45%

2 stars

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