The Last Black Man in San Francisco Review
A visually poetic deconstruction of gentrification and blackness rolled into one beautiful love letter that will grip your emotions to the bone.

Uncle Drew Review
Besides the comedy, Kyrie Irving and the majority of the cast’s makeup is the selling point of the movie and it’s amazing.

Death Wish Review
With today being a tough time where America is on the fence on reforming gun control, this was not a good time for this remake to be released AT ALL!

Fifty Shades of Black Review
As I grow older and become more mature with my age and humor, I see Marlon Wayans grow older and more immature with his and this film is truly the proof in the pudding. Fifty Shades of Black is just another Marlon Wayans production that insults not only the audience and demographic that it goes for, but just insults African Americans as a race which we should not either encourage or embrace.