Ant-Man Review


PG13: Sequences of Sci Fi Action Violence, Language

Marvel Studios

1 hr and 55 Minutes

Cast: Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lily, Corey Stoll,Bobby Cannavale, Michael Pena, T.I, Judy Greer, Hayley Atwell, with John Slattery, and "an Avenger"

Where to Rent/Stream This Movie

Editor’s Note: This review was originally published during my adolescence. Outdated language might be seen in these old posts. Since then, my thoughts and values have grown. This review is being presented as they were originally written, grammatical errors, shitty sentence structure, and typos galore. Because to do otherwise would be that same as claiming these flaws never existed.



BACKSTORY: July 7th 2015 I was one of the lucky few to see Marvel's Ant Man 10 days before release. No 3D, No Cell Phone, No Problem. I was ready, the theater was ready and everyone lost their shit. Specifically me, God this made me go back to DC and say HEY ASSHOLES WHAT YOU GOT?!

STORYLINE: Several months after the events of Age of Ultron, burglar Scott Lang must help Dr. Hank Pym and his daughter Hope in safeguarding the Ant Man suit that was bestolen I mean bestowed onto Lang. Together they must stop Darren Criss from using the Yellowjacket a new type of Ant Man suit that destroys the world.

REVIEW: Since the release date was announced of this film, I kept asking myself "how is it possible for a Marvel origin story only within the same season Avengers 2 came out?" Seriously how can you make a superhero movie in the same world (not Galaxy) as the Avengers? And then the production hell with Edgar Wright on board as writer and director with his best writing partner Joe Cornish then him leaving right on shooting. Then after we have Paul Rudd doing punchups with Adam McKay on the script with...the director of Yes Man directing the film. But of course Marvel bitch slapped us, said shut the fuck up, and gave us another creative as hell superhero movie. Seriously I loved this way more than Age of Ultron. The thing about Ant Man that stands out is that, it has a different formula than the other Marvel movies. But when you think about it, every Marvel origin movie is an inspired version of something else just made cooler and sometimes funnier. This is a funnier version of Ocean's Eleven (with an ending similar to Interstellar) , but with a cool Marvel spin on it. This film is definitely a heist comedy that is also a family film with great family values. Not going to lie, it's pretty cute. You can't help smiling at the family moments between these characters. The only weakness in these family scenes is when it becomes sentimental. When its sentimental, you can't help but playing the tiniest song on the world's tiniest violin. Another weakness is the humor. Yes its the strength but when there is a corny joke, the joke falls flat on its face hard. The acting is really good, even one dimensional characters have their own standout scene (except Judy Greer). The main thing that stands out is the action. It may not be intense, but its harmless fun. There are several action scenes that are so awesome but finishes so fast you wish it came back. It makes so much references that both set up Civil War and other Marvel films year to come. Seriously stay after the end credits, you're going to yell in joy (like I did). 

3D:  When you have a Mervel hero that shrinks down to size to interact with ants, you would hope this film would have great 3D effects. Well though this film's 3D is more effective than Age of Ultron, it doesn't come into fruition until the last 30 minutes. Other than that, the 3D is a waste of money. 

REVIEW: Though its sentimentality is too much and has several flat jokes, Ant Man is an inspired origin story that works perfectly into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with brilliant action and humor. 

Rating: 4/5 | 85%

4 stars

Super Scene: Ant vs. Bird 


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