Furious 7 Review


PG13: Prolonged Sequences of Intense Violence, Action and Mayhem,  Brief Strong Language, and Suggestive Content

Universal Pictures, Original Film

2 hrs and 17 Minutes

Cast: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Dwayne Johnson, Jordana Brewster, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, Tony Jaa, Djimon Hounsou, Ronda Rousey, with Kurt Russell, and Jason Statham

Where to Rent/Stream This Movie

Editor’s Note: This review was originally published during my adolescence. Outdated language might be seen in these old posts. Since then, my thoughts and values have grown. This review is being presented as they were originally written, grammatical errors, shitty sentence structure, and typos galore. Because to do otherwise would be that same as claiming these flaws never existed.


BACKSTORY: Wednesday April 1st, I go to the Hot97 hosted screening to Furious 7. I helped more than 3 people and received free soda for my good deed. UNFORTUNATELY I was sitting next to 3 latino women who kept giving their social commentary through the movie.Plus since they were Dominican women, you know they were loud. As much as I was trying to enjoy it, their constant comments ruined the enjoyment of the movie for me. So the day afterwards I pay to watch this again.

STORYLINE: Dominic Torretto and his crew thought they left the criminal mercenary life behind. They defeated an international terrorist named Owen Shaw and went their seperate ways. But now, Shaw's brother, Deckard Shaw is out killing the crew one by one for revenge. Worse, a Somalian terrorist called Jakarde, and a shady government official called "Mr. Nobody" are both competing to steal a computer terrorism program called God's Eye, that can turn any technological device into a weapon. Torretto must reconvene with his team to stop Shaw and retrieve the God's Eye program while caught in a power struggle between terrorist and the United States government.

REVIEW: For a 7th film in a franchise, it's surprising that Furious 7 film manages to be new.  You know how much has changed since 2001, so it's great that this film still manages to maintain originality even for as stupid as it is. Where the old Fast and Furious movies defy the laws of physics with no explanation, I give this credit for the explanations that they give for all these epic action scenes that goes on in this. Though it makes no sense, its better to appreciate the efforts it makes. Furious 7 is just a variation of the best action scenes of destruction in a lot of different territories. Seriously you think Bin Laden was bad, boy Dominic Toretto and his crew will make you rethink that. The fight scenes are intense and well choreographed, the action sequences are fucking amazing, and the character arcs are very sentimental. There is no true story in this film really, what it has become is just an action film and a very convoluted one as a matter of fact. There is too many things going on especially when we're introduced to the NSA the film shift gears (no pun intended). Come the second act I'm just confused thinking, wait why is this happening, but the film says "shut up Rendy just enjoy the beautiful action sequences." This is all thanks to director James Wan, who brings his horror directing style to this and you can tell by some shots that this isn't Justin Lin's property anymore. Personally I prefer Lin's direction, but Wan does a great job integrating some new style with this.  The story that is in here though does a great job connecting the previous films with this (mainly Fast 6 and Tokyo Drift) and really digs into actual emotion from the characters still struggling on what to do with their life such as Letty trying to regain her memory and Brian being a dad going through a mid life crisis. This film gives a perfect tribute to Paul Walker by finishing his character arc in an amazingly emotional way. It's hard not to tear up when this film ends. Even when you watch it two day in a row, your ass will still shed a tear (like me). The film has it's flaws such as the pointless celebrity cameos like Iggy Azalea and T-Pain, but the film is still entertaining as hell.

LAST STATEMENT: As convoluted and flawed as it is, Furious 7 is an exciting sequel fueled with energy that doesn't tread familiar ground and gives a perfect goodbye to Paul Walker and his character Brian O' Connor.

Rating: 4.5/5| 90%

4.5 stars

Super Scene: "No matter if you're a quarter mile away, you'll always be with me and you'll always be my brother" 




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